With education getting expensive day by day, many student are now preferring to stay back home and take up a online course. It’s not only due to education becoming expensive there are many other factors that makes student to take up online courses like, living far away from institute, working along with studies.
One needs to be very dedicated and has to make a strong decision to take up distance learning because it’s very difficult to be sincere since there is no teacher, friends or classroom. You many want to discontinue the course after sometimes. You are the only one and one needs to be honest, discipline and must dedication to learn.
One needs to have the following attributes to take up a distance learning course.
Dedication: This is most important attribute that one needs to have because if you don’t have that will and commitment to do it then you will never end up completing the course and will suspend it half way.
Self motivator: You need to pull and push yourself forward since there would be no one to give you that support and motivate you. You have to have faith and believe in yourself to motivate you and get done with the courses.
Discipline: You should not take up distance learning program if you are procrastinator. It’s not for some one who keeps pushing and postponing their work to later dates. You need to complete your assignment on time.
Focus and resisting distraction: Since it is online course and you learning while sitting at home there tend to be lots of distraction. Mobiles, online games and social sites etc. You should be able to cope up with all this and avoid being getting distracted by them. Need to focus on your goal.
Understanding Skills: In schools and colleges you are use to listening the lectures and taking notes. If you don’t understand then professor explains it to you and again and makes you understand. In distance leaning it depends on your comprehension skills; means you have to read yourself and understand should have strong grasping power. There are video and audio clips but most of the material is in written text.
Hardware and tech friendly: One must have a good system (pc) to work on with high internet speed. You need to be tech friendly and should know how to use modern day computers and software.
These are then few points that one need to consider before taking up an distance learning course.
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