Monday, January 19, 2009

How To Become a Tattoo Artistt


It seems that with the popularity of tattoos and the potential for high income, a lot of people want to become a tattoo artist. Many of them make the mistake of buying a kit and practicing on their friends, which is very dangerous. Many of these people never become truly successful at tattooing anyway, and never acquire the skills necessary to compete in this highly competitive business. If you’re serious about becoming a skilled and competent artist, this is what you need to do.


Difficulty: Hard

Time Required: 1-5 Years

Skills :

Tattoo artists must be patient, gentle, and calm, and be able to instill a sense of trust in their patients. They need good eyesight, steady hands, and a well-groomed appearance. They need a good sense of color, creative flair and be able to sketch and draw extremely well. They should be skilled listeners who can follow instructions. They should be thorough people who pay attention to details. They need a lot of stamina in order to tackle the physically and mentally draining work. They should know a little about human anatomy, health and safety issues, and should feel comfortable around blood.

The first thing you need is raw talent. Someone who can’t draw or color inside the lines isn’t going to be a good candidate for being a tattoo artist.Then you need to hone your raw talent to develop talent into skill. Skill can come from fine art classes, working with a fellow artist, learning technique from books, or all of the above. On top of that, you need to practice, practice, practice.

Long Term Career Potential

With additional training and experience, tattoo artists can work as body piercers, manage a body art shop, or open up a studio of their own. They may also choose to become visual and graphic artists.

Educational Paths 

There is no set training for aspiring tattoo artists, but, obviously, some is required. While there are some private schools that offer tattoo artistry courses, most tattoo artists learn the tricks of their trade by working with a mentor. They do this by presenting an established body artist with a portfolio of drawings and by demonstrating a serious desire to learn. It is important for any aspiring tatoo artist to be skilled in drawing and illustration so courses in art, drawing and illustration and design can be valuable.

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